Tell Your Story: Novels

Novels are an exciting genre in children’s literature, whether they are middle grade (ages 8-13) or  young adult (ages 13 and up.) There are seemingly endless novel categories, too: novels in verse, contemporary, horror, fantasy, historical fiction, mystery and narrative nonfiction.

Whatever your novel interest, we’ve got resources and workshops to help you begin, revise, plot, outline, receive feedback, develop characters and more.

No matter where you are on your journey, we’re glad you’re here.  We can give you the skills you need to create the very best novel for kids and teens.

Novel Workshops

Can You Feel It? Emotional Impact in Novels: A Two-Night Mini for Writers

Can You Feel It? Emotional Impact in Novels: A Two-Night Mini for Writers

Starts: July 29, 2024

Getting the Gig: A Two-Night Mini on Speaking Opportunities for Storytellers

Getting the Gig: A Two-Night Mini on Speaking Opportunities for Storytellers

Starts: August 6, 2024

Muslim Storyteller Whole Novel Workshop: A Funded Program for Middle Grade and Young Adult Writers

Muslim Storyteller Whole Novel Workshop: A Funded Program for Middle Grade and Young Adult Writers

Starts: August 8, 2024

Whole Novel Workshop: An In-Person Retreat for Novelists (August)

Whole Novel Workshop: An In-Person Retreat for Novelists (August)

Starts: August 14, 2024

World-Building with Editor Emma D. Dryden: A Two-Night Mini

World-Building with Editor Emma D. Dryden: A Two-Night Mini

Starts: August 20, 2024

Successful School Visits: A Three Part Online Course

Successful School Visits: A Three Part Online Course

Starts: August 29, 2024

Working Retreat: Experienced Storytellers In-Company

Working Retreat: Experienced Storytellers In-Company

Starts: September 11, 2024

Just Do It! Your Collaborative Support Group for Finishing Your Draft (Fall)

Just Do It! Your Collaborative Support Group for Finishing Your Draft (Fall)

Starts: September 17, 2024

Line Editing Your MG or YA Novel: An Online Course

Line Editing Your MG or YA Novel: An Online Course

Starts: September 17, 2024

The Crash Course in Children’s Book Publishing (Fall)

The Crash Course in Children’s Book Publishing (Fall)

Starts: September 24, 2024

Working Retreat: Novels in Verse

Working Retreat: Novels in Verse

Starts: October 6, 2024

Crafting Meaningful Contemporary Novels: An Online Course with Editor Kat Brzozowski

Crafting Meaningful Contemporary Novels: An Online Course with Editor Kat Brzozowski

Starts: October 8, 2024

Whole Novel Workshop: An In-Person Retreat for Novelists (October)

Whole Novel Workshop: An In-Person Retreat for Novelists (October)

Starts: October 17, 2024

Research Techniques: A Two-Night Mini

Research Techniques: A Two-Night Mini

Starts: October 22, 2024

Working Retreat: Revision

Working Retreat: Revision

Starts: November 14, 2024

Inspiring Children Through Story

“My picture book … deals with parents separating. One little boy, who parents recently divorced, went to bed with [it] many nights. This deeply moved me to know this picture book helped this little boy.

“I tutor 2nd grade reluctant readers. My understanding of picture book structure and prose allows me to help them learn more than words. Rather than just read the story, we talk about it.”

“You mean I get to keep this book forever?”

…Spoken by a child in tears who was gifted with one of my books at a school visit and had never owned a book before.

“When I hear kids giggle while I’m reading [my book] I feel like I’ve done the job I intended to do.

Novel Resources

3 Questions With Author, Editor and Agent Linda Epstein

3 Questions With Author, Editor and Agent Linda Epstein

3 Questions With Julie C. Dao and Wendy Xu about Novels and Graphic Novels

3 Questions With Julie C. Dao and Wendy Xu about Novels and Graphic Novels

10 Scary Books for Queer Teens to Feel Empowered Reading

10 Scary Books for Queer Teens to Feel Empowered Reading

3 Questions With Jennifer Gennari about Getting Organized Before You Start to Write

3 Questions With Jennifer Gennari about Getting Organized Before You Start to Write

Get Involved at the Highlights Foundation

Stories from Our Highlights Foundation Alumni

Celebrating Alyssa Reynoso-Morris’ Book Birthday!

Celebrating Alyssa Reynoso-Morris’ Book Birthday!

That Highlights Magic: From Learning to Write a Book Proposal to Celebrating a Book Birthday

That Highlights Magic: From Learning to Write a Book Proposal to Celebrating a Book Birthday

#HFGather: Here Comes Summer–Reading, Swimming and Gathering

#HFGather: Here Comes Summer–Reading, Swimming and Gathering

Celebrating a Book Birthday: We Mostly Come Out At Night

Celebrating a Book Birthday: We Mostly Come Out At Night

Our Mission in Action

Share Your Story, Inspire a Child
Equity & Inclusion in Kidlit
Partners & Sponsors

The Highlights Foundation positively impacts children by amplifying the voices of storytellers who inform, educate, and inspire children to become their best selves.  Learn more about our impact.