Continuing Support for Asian American Voices at the Highlights Foundation

May 13, 2024 | Asian American Voices, Highlights Foundation News

During this year’s Asian American Voices In-Community Retreat, those who attended also got the chance to celebrate the dedication of Cabin 8 supported by the Asian American Voices Collective.

In 2023, we came together to raise over $20,000 toward cabin and scholarship support.

This year’s event was special and meaningful.

“So many people kept thanking me. But really, I was the one who should be doing the thanking. Early in my career I was not very community-minded; I bought into the “there can only be one” mindset, and it has taken me years to rewire that thinking. So I am so grateful to have this opportunity, it’s an honor to help create a community that can uplift each other.” —Grace Lin

“I’m touched by the immense support for writers and artists of the Asian and Asian American Community. It is amazing to be able to gather, share, talk, and create in a safe space together. This feels like a family, and it is an honor to be a part it, and to watch this community grow.” —Debbi Michiko Florence

While at the retreat, we had the idea to create a fundraiser for 2024 to help continue to build the fund for ongoing cabin and scholarship support.

Sponsor a book cover for the Asian American Voices Cabin!

Be one of the first ten to donate $100 this month, and you get your choice of any Asian or Asian American kidlit book cover to adorn the wall for a year (June 2024-June 2025).

This is a great opportunity not only to support Cabin 8, but also to support Asian and Asian American books via supporting scholarships at the Highlights Foundation.

(AAV family, we encourage you to choose your own book to display. Don’t be shy! And please note that a max of 10 can be sponsored for this year; any remaining funds raised will still support the scholarships at the Highlights Foundation.  We’ll do this fundraiser annually, so if you don’t get to choose a book this year, there will be more opportunities to do so in the future!)

Here’s a link to the cabin page with interior photos so you can see what the covers in the cabin look like so far.

Here’s a link to a Bookshop list of titles currently featured in the cabin so you can explore them!  (And so you don’t duplicate efforts!)

To donate, just click this link and make a donation of $100 or more. Include the book title you choose in the comments section.  (Remember, only the first 10 donations of $100 or more will have their book selection featured on the walls of Cabin 8!)

Thank you for sharing your voices and your time with us. We can’t wait till next year.


Debbi and Grace

Thank you to our faculty for this Guest Post!

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