The Nikki Grimes Cottage at the Highlights Foundation

In Honor of Nikki Grimes
New York Times bestselling author Nikki Grimes is a long-time friend of this organization and our community. This cabin honors her, and features some of her awards and copies of most of her published work. The Nikki Grimes Scholarship at the Highlights Foundation supports Black and Afro-Indigenous Women Writers and Poets.
“Without a doubt, the best part of my personal retreat was staying in the Nikki Grimes cabin. As I looked around the cabin, I saw what a successful literary career looks like — presentations, awards, and more than 40 books on the shelves. I marveled at the length of Ms. Grimes’ career. I couldn’t help but dream of having a career like hers.”—Monique Fields
Established By Nikki Grimes

A Happy Home for Creatives
“I thought if the cabin’s gonna have my name it should look like me and have a little bit of my flair, my sense of color. So I have a cobalt glass in in the window because the way you find my house is to find the house with cobalt glass in the windows–all of the windows have them because I find the color really soothing and I love it when the light hits the glass, It’s just marvelous. And I wanted also some of the African fabric to be part of that cabin and so I introduced that element, and Heidi Stemple just hopped up and said I’ll do the valances for you and it was so wonderful. So she did that and some other pieces in the room, which is really cool. I was able to bring some of the art related to my books into the space and a few of my awards as well. So they have a happy home here. ”—Nikki Grimes
Nikki Grimes Scholarship
We are proud to offer the Nikki Grimes Scholarship at the Highlights Foundation, for Black and Afro-Indigenous Women Writers and Poets. Learn more about the scholarship.