Kim Briggs

Kim once crashed into a tree while skiing. The accident led to a concussion, a cracked sternum, temporary notoriety as a sixth grader returned from the dead, and the realization that fictionalized accounts are way more interesting than just slipping on the ice.

An unhealthy obsession with conspiracy theories combined with a love of travel and happily ever afters led Kim to write her YA novel, Starr Fall, where a secret organization decides 17 year old Starr Bishop is not only the model student, but the ideal assassin. Her novel, And Then He, explores the dark and scary corners of the human psyche.

Kim is the Co-Regional Advisor to SCBWI Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter. Through SCBWI, she met her writing group, Ink Sisters. The Sisters destruct plot and kill characters all the while cracking her up. Kim also contributes to the Kid Lit Ink marketing blog. Kim’s family gives her the courage to survive the crazy world of publishing.

Blog Posts by Kim Briggs

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