Mysteries, picture books, early readers and more: our June workshops were spectacular!
This popular annual workshop set the tone for June with exciting daily lectures, faculty critiques and evening fireside chats!

Writing First Chapter Books & Early Readers
With 2 editor/authors and 3 Skyping editors, much wisdom was imparted!
Nikki Grimes: Artist-in-Residence
Connecting Source to Story: Mining the World for Your Fiction
Books empower AND dis-empower. All are political. Edith Campbell presented an excellent critical review of how race is presented in children’s literature:
Working on our source notebooks:
Hanging out in the living room chatting with editor/author team Andrew Karre and Ashley Hope Pérez:
Writing Mysteries for Middle Grade, Chapter Books & Series
Novel Beginnings: Building Strong Foundations for Your Novel and Your Career
Writing for the Educational Market
Faculty leaders Jan Fields & Paula Morrow in an animated session:
Thanks to attendee Shannon Anderson for sharing these great photos of our property on her social media: