Jim Giblin’s Cabin at the Highlights Foundation

Cooper's Cottage Sign (In Honor of Floyd Cooper)

In Honor of James Cross Giblin

Publisher, editor, and award-winning author James Cross Giblin served on the Highlights Foundation faculty from its earliest days, with a passion for helping others to believe in the magic their own writing could bring to children. The James Cross Giblin Scholarship and his cabin at the Highlights Foundation ensures that his contributions are perpetual.

Remembering Jim Giblin

Highlights Foundation founder Kent Brown was a good friend of Jim’s and and shared this memory with us.

Jim had a profound effect on all parts of the juvenile publishing industry. We knew that, you and I. We have seen it at work.

But what moved me most was Jim’s passion for helping others to believe in the magic their own writing can bring to children. The establishment of the James Cross Giblin Scholarship Fund ensures that passion is perpetual.

Let me tell you about a special moment, one I have never forgotten. July 12, 1986. Chautauqua number two and the first of seventeen years of Jim’s service as faculty for the Highlights Foundation Writers Workshop.

Anna Cross Giblin, Jim’s mother, and her good friend, Jeanne Prahl, were visiting Chautauqua, and had come to the hall to hear Jim speak. After taking the podium, Jim looked out and said,

“Before I begin my talk this morning, I want to introduce you to the person responsible for introducing me to children’s books and reading. Mother, will you please stand.”  That was a powerful tribute to a mother…and a mentor.

So many of us who write or publish or teach in the service of children have had special mentors.  Often a parent or grandparent or teacher influenced us at an early age. Some of us have been blessed to be able to serve in some small way as mentors for others. I like to think of mentoring as a wonderful cycle, surely less scientific than the Water Cycle of our fifth-grade years, but no less powerful. The influence of a mentor lives far beyond the mentor.

James Cross Giblin has been a mentor for many.


James Cross Giblin and student

Jim Giblin teaching at the Writer’s Workshop at the Chautauqua Institute.

The James Cross Giblin Scholarship Fund

The James Cross Giblin Scholarship Fund ensures that Jim’s passion for helping others believe in the magic their writing brings to children is perpetuated.

The Fund, an endowed, ongoing scholarship within the Highlights Foundation, provides access to our programs for a number of writers, aiding those who have a strong talent and passion for juvenile nonfiction. The fund also supports attendance at appropriate programs for those working in children’s publishing, and having the potential to make long-term contributions.

Some of the Many Books Written by James Cross Giblin

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Equity & Inclusion in Kidlit
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The Highlights Foundation positively impacts children by amplifying the voices of storytellers who inform, educate, and inspire children to become their best selves.  Learn more about our impact.